SLO Validation

Sloth validates the spec on generation, however, on specific steps of the SLO generation process, we only want to validate a group of SLOs.

For this purpose Sloth comes with a helpful command called validate. It will discover all the specs recursively and apply the same generation process as generate (including plugins, options...) but discarding the result.

Example that validates all SLOs in a directory (including subdirectories) and excludes all in spec files that match _gen in the spec path.


$ sloth validate --input ./examples --sli-plugins-path ./examples/plugins --fs-exclude _gen

INFO[0000] SLI plugins loaded                            plugins=1 version=dev
INFO[0000] Validation succeeded                          slo-specs=13 version=dev

This command is very helpful on Gitops and CI pipelines to have a fast feedback loop, independently of the process you are using for generating the SLOs (Kubernetes controller or CLI).